405 E Mendenhall St


Building 405 E Mendenhall St

Bozeman, MT, USA

Hawthorne School


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This building has a 1 year timeline with 1 green activity.


Hawthorne School
reported on 04/23/2013
2012 ENERGY STAR National Building Competition


Building Details

CBSA Bozeman, MT
USGBC Chapter Montana Chapter
EPA Region Mountains and Plains
NHCS Urban Rural Classification Micropolitan (nonmetropolitan)
building owner Bozeman School District
organization Bozeman School District #7
year built 1938
energy starting weight in kbtusqft 112
energy final weight in kbtusqft 116
reduction energy use -3.0%
ghg emissions prevented in mtcoe 13
energy cost savings $4,463
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