3740 Baychester Ave


Building 3740 Baychester Ave

Bronx, NY, USA

X111 and X937, P.S.111X Seton Falls School, Ps 111 Seton Falls + 2 more


A building with 105,775 square feet. First green activity in 2010.

Activity Why It's Green

This building is green because it has 3 green activities that achieved outcomes of energy performance disclosure and energy efficiency.

Green Projects
Listed (2)

People/Organizations who worked on this building

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P.S.111X Seton Falls School
reported on 01/01/2012
NYC Energy Efficiency Projects
X111 and X937
reported on 01/01/2011
2011 NYC Municipal Building Energy Benchmarking
X111 and X937
reported on 01/01/2010
2010 NYC Municipal Building Energy Benchmarking
Ps 111 Seton Falls
NCES Public Schools
Bronx Charter School For Better Learning
NCES Public Schools