145 Brooklyn Ave


Building 145 Brooklyn Ave

Brooklyn, NY, USA

Brooklyn Children's Museum, Brower Park


Icon-transparency Transparency

This building has a 5 year timeline with 4 green activities.


Brooklyn Children's Museum
reported on 05/01/2014
2013 NYC Municipal Building Energy Benchmarking
Brooklyn Children's Museum
reported on 05/01/2013
2012 NYC Municipal Building Energy Benchmarking
Brooklyn Children's Museum
reported on 01/01/2011
2011 NYC Municipal Building Energy Benchmarking
Brooklyn Children's Museum
reported on 01/01/2010
2010 NYC Municipal Building Energy Benchmarking


Building Details

CBSA New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-PA
USGBC Chapter New York Chapter
EPA Region /epa_regions/2
ASHRAE Climate Zone ASHRAE Climate Zone #4
NHCS Urban Rural Classification Large central metro
Utility Provider Consolidated Edison Co. Of New York Inc.
2010 portfolio manager benchmarking rating N/A
2010 current source energy intensity kbtusq ft 217
2010 current total ghg emissions mtco2e 658.2
year built 1977
agency DCLA
bin 3031049
2011 portfolio manager benchmarking rating N/A
2011 source energy intensity kbtusq ft 220.1
2011 total ghg emissions mtco2e 677.5
source eui in kbtu per sq feet 203.0
ghg emissions intensity in kgco2e per square feet 5.5
rating N/A
source eui kbtusqft 186.9
ghg emissions intensity kgco2eft2 5
date 2014-08-29
owner type Local Government
owner City of New York
smooth surface throughout Yes
transfer stations to play components No
ramps to play components Yes
accessible swing Yes
sound play components No
visuallyimpaired play components No
safety fence No
single entrance No
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