5346 Marsh Road


Building 5346 Marsh Road

Haslett, MI, USA

02050-Wynwood of Meridian


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This building has a 1 year timeline with 1 green activity.


02050-Wynwood of Meridian
reported on 04/23/2013
2012 ENERGY STAR National Building Competition


Building Details

CBSA Lansing-East Lansing, MI
USGBC Chapter West Michigan Chapter
EPA Region Great Lakes
ASHRAE Climate Zone ASHRAE Climate Zone #5
Utility Provider Consumers Energy Co.
building owner NHP JER I
organization Brookdale Senior Living
year built 2000
energy starting weight in kbtusqft 271
energy final weight in kbtusqft 266
reduction energy use 1.9%
ghg emissions prevented in mtcoe 28
energy cost savings $5,529
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