Hangzhou Yan Shing Fu Di on the 6th


Building Hangzhou Yan Shing Fu Di on the 6th

the 8th, the 13th, the 15th, the 17th, the 18th and 19th Building, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, CN

Hangzhou Yan Shing Fu Di on the 6th, the 8th, the 13th, the 15th, the 17th, the 18th and 19th Building


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This building has a 1 year timeline with 1 green activity.


Hangzhou Yan Shing Fu Di on the 6th, the 8th, the 13th, the 15th, the 17th, the 18th and 19th Building
awarded on 01/01/2011
1 Stars
Green Building Evaluation Label (China Three Star) Design Label