7528 Walker Way


Building 7528 Walker Way

Allentown, PA, USA

T01979 - 7528 Walker


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This building has a 1 year timeline with 1 green activity.


T01979 - 7528 Walker - Energy Star Certified 2014
reported on 01/01/2014
Energy Star Non-Refrigerated Warehouse

Walk Score®: 51/100


Building Details

Space Type(s) Warehouse and Distribution
CBSA Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ
USGBC Chapter Delaware Valley Green Building Council
EPA Region Mid-Atlantic
ASHRAE Climate Zone ASHRAE Climate Zone #5
Utility Provider PPL Electric Utilities Corp.
Building Type Warehouse and Storage
Building Owner Liberty Property Trust
Label Year(s) 2014
Rating(s) 100
Year Constructed 2005
Number of Years Certified 1
Certification Years 2014
Score(s) 100
Property type Non-Refrigerated Warehouse
Year constructed 2005
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