235 S Beretania St


Building 235 S Beretania St

Honolulu, HI, USA

Hawaii State Office Tower, State Office Tower (Leiopapa-A-Kamehameha), State Office Tower (Leiopapa A Kamehameha Building)


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This building has a 15 year timeline with 14 green activities including a LEED Gold certification.


Hawaii State Office Tower
reported on 05/11/2020
LEED v4.1 Recertification
Hawaii State Office Tower
registered on 08/31/2016
LEED EB 2009
State Office Tower (Leiopapa-A-Kamehameha)
reported on 04/01/2015
2014 ENERGY STAR National Building Competition
Hawaii State Office Tower
awarded on 07/19/2012
LEED EB 2009
Hawaii State Office Tower
registered on 06/26/2009
LEED EB 2009

Walk Score®: 98/100

Transit Score®: 0/100


Building Details

Owner Type(s) Government Use: State
Space Type(s) Office
CBSA Honolulu, HI
USGBC Chapter Hawaii Chapter
EPA Region Pacific Southwest
ASHRAE Climate Zone ASHRAE Climate Zone #1
NHCS Urban Rural Classification Medium metro
Utility Provider Hawaiian Electric Co., Inc.
Building Type Office
Building Owner State of Hawaii - DAGS Central Services
Property Manager State of Hawaii - DAGS Central Services
Label Year(s) 2012, 2010, 2007, 2006
Rating(s) 96, 91, 81, 79
Year Constructed 1991
Number of Years Certified 4, 5
Certification Years 2006, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2006 , 2007 , 2010 , 2012 , 2019
Score(s) 79, 81, 91, 96, 79 , 81 , 91 , 96 , 90
Property type Office
Year constructed 1991
organization DBEDT, SID, Energy Efficiency Branch
year built 1991
energy starting weight in kbtusqft 111.4
energy final weight in kbtusqft --
reduction energy use --
ghg emissions prevented in mtcoe --
energy cost savings --
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