86 White St


Building 86 White St

Boston, MA, USA

East Boston High School, East Boston High, East Boston HS + 2 more


Icon-transparency Transparency

This building has a 16 year timeline with 5 green activities.


reported on 10/01/2015
Boston Building Energy Disclosure (2014)
reported on 05/15/2015
Boston Municipal Building Energy Disclosure (2014)
East Boston HS
reported on 11/26/2013
Boston Municipal Building Energy Disclosure (2012)
East Boston Hs
reported on 05/15/2013
Boston Municipal Building Energy Disclosure (2013)
East Boston High
NCES Public Schools

Walk Score®: 72/100

Transit Score®: 0/100


Building Details

Space Type(s) K-12
CBSA Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA-NH
USGBC Chapter Massachusetts Chapter
EPA Region New England
ASHRAE Climate Zone ASHRAE Climate Zone #5
NHCS Urban Rural Classification Large central metro
Utility Provider Boston Edison Co.
Building Type K-12 School
Building Owner Boston Public Schools
Label Year(s) 2000
Rating(s) 99
Year Constructed 1926
Number of Years Certified 1
Certification Years 2000
Score(s) 99
Property type K-12 School
Year constructed 1926
school level High
lowest grade taught 9th Grade
highest grade taught 12th Grade
school type Regular School
charter school No
operational status Open
total enrollment 1412
owner sector Local Government, Municipal
ttl mmbtu 10906, 11199
mmbtusf 0.05 , 0.05
metrictons co2e 707, 706
metrictons co2esf 0.003
kwh 731679, 736844
therms 84095, 86846
department BPS
electric mmbtu 2514
gas mmbtu 8685
electricity use kwh 661,815
natural gas use therms 122,755
water use kgal 183
site energy use total kbtu 14,532,289.2
site energy use intensity kbtuft2 68.38563399
total ghg emissions metric tons co2e 872.9
total ghg emissions intensity kgco2eft2 4.1
site eui kbtusf 68.1
property uses K-12 School
municipal building Yes
year built 1926
ghg emissions mtco2e 866.7
ghg intensity kgco2sf 4.1
total site energy kbtu 14,463,413
electricity 16%
gas 84%
steam 0%
water intensity galsf 0.86
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